Om Pronto Consult AS
Rådgivningsvirksomhet etablert i 2002, eiet og drevet av Tor Ivar Riise.
Om Tor Ivar Riise:
Formell bakgrunn:
Siviløkonom – Norges Handelshøyskole, Bergen Micro CV
Om Prontos samarbeidspartnere
Pronto Consult har et nettverk av ressurser innenfor flere fagfelt som vi trekker på avhengig av oppdragenes art.
Many thanks to cartoonist Hugh MacLeod for letting us tap into his unique collection of business wisdom that hits the nail. His exceedingly sharp observations, extracted in almost abstract cartoons, have been crucial in the process of highlighting Pronto's mission and strenght.
This website would not have been the same without Hugh's cartoons. Here is a link to Hugh Macleod and his licensing agreements at
This website would not have been the same without Hugh's cartoons. Here is a link to Hugh Macleod and his licensing agreements at
Cartoons by Hugh Macleod at